Your name

    Our contact phone number is.

    What is the location of the Exhibition?
    (Please give us the location where the exhibition will take place)





    Flip Flop Balloons offers two tethered exhibition programs. Please select the program you are interested in.

    What is the event date?

    What are the approximate times.
    Start at (Hour)


    The event will finish either 2 or 4 hours after your above start time (depending on your tether duration choice)

    NOTE:  Travel fees may apply.  Once you have purchased the site survey we will determine your travel fees. Travel fees are charged at a rate of 50 cents per mile from DeBary Florida.  There is no charge for the first 50 miles from DeBary Florida.  Tethered Exhibitions beyond 150 miles from DeBary Florida will require an overnight stay.  Additional fees for lodging, meals or additional expenses may also apply.

    These fees will be added to the exhibition contract and will be due at the time of the exhibition.  Should weather conditions not allow the tethered exhibition the travel fees will be deducted from the refund.